construction ahead sign

Versions & Updates

Over the last twenty years, this web site has seen many major revisions and redesigns.

A few, shown here, reflect some pretty substantial changes in content, style, and technology. This current version was built on WordPress, using the Elementor framework.

Maintaining a minimalist approach has been a goal throughout design and production. The user interface is now more consistent throughout the site. Image sizes generally share a consistent aspect ratio, and the typography is more constrained, which pairs nicely (to my eye, at least) with the custom dark theme.

On the back end, we’ve made the effort to reduce our dependency on third-party plugins — Advanced Custom Fields Pro is the one plugin we’ve added to manage the Projects content.

[New paragraph to come about accessibility]

Moving forward, we’ll provide documentation here about new versions, functionality, and major updates.

Version History

  • v1.0 April 16, 2023
    • Site launched, hosted by WP Engine
    • Google Analytics 4: basic tracking code
    • WP Accessibility v2.0.1 for enhanced a11y sitewide